CSP are expanding to the edge to support the telecom industry

For the past several years, big CSP are heavily investing in the Edge infrastructure and multi/hybrid cloud approach to tackle, among others, stringent requirements stemming from the telecom industry amid 5G rollout. The approach includes 2 tracks: First one is to expand the infrastructure to the Edge, which allows the deployment of 5G applications and […]

MELODIC & MORPHEMIC at Jakarta TechTalk

Alicja Reniewicz and Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls.com, partners in MORPHEMIC project, presented MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project during the keynote session entiled: “Forecasting based proactive optimization of cloud resources: as an innovative way of cloud resources optimization”. Jakarta Tech Talks is a mix of conference based and virtual webinars dedicated to the discussion and discovery […]

MELODIC and MORPHEMIC at Horizon Cloud Summit 2020

On 25-26 November Horizon Cloud was organising an online Summit shaping the future cloud strategy in Europe. Morphemic, an extension of MELODIC was there with the session entitled Proactive and polymorphic adaptation of multi-cloud deployments.

Data Science Conference Europe 2020

Data Science Conference Europe is one of the largest Data & AI conferences and fastest growing Data & AI community in Europe. It is a Tech-first Data & AI Conference, that connects business, professionals & academia on one place: https://datasciconference.com Paweł Skrzypek – CEO of AI Investments and Cloud Architect in 7bulls – had a […]

Cloud and possibilities with MELODIC & MORPHEMIC – Warsaw Booster webinar –

Warsaw Booster’20 is an acceleration program for capital start-ups. The purpose of the accelerator is to support young technology companies in improving their business competences: https://www.facebook.com/warsawbooster/ This time Warsaw Booster organised a webinar dedicated to the cloud and its possibilities with: o   Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls.com o   Tomasz Żegleń from Oracle During the […]

MORPHEMIC project at the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets 2020

MORPHEMIC project, as an extension of MELODIC, has been presented by Jean-Didier Totow, Research assistant at the University of Piraeus [partner in MORPHEMIC project], during the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets 2020 took place virtually November 4-7, 2020. Jean-Didier Totow presented a scientific publication, entitled: “Real-time adaptable resource allocation for distributed […]

2020 OW2 Best Project Market Award for MELODIC!

We are proud to announce that our project won the 2020 OW2 Best Project Market Award! OW2 is a global independent software community, that promotes the development of open-source middleware, generic business applications and cloud computing platforms.

DeveloperWeek API & Microservices conference

MELODIC has presented on DeveloperWeek API & Microservices conference (https://lnkd.in/eqMFQAr) as an example of cloud based microservice solution. Alicja Reniewicz and Paweł Skrzypek have presented how to use the modern multicloud solution www.melodic.cloud.

Cyber Academy 2020, 5th Edition

Cyber Academy is a free event that has permanently entered the calendars of people from the world of business, science, administration and students interested in the subject of new technologies, with particular emphasis on issues in the field of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. CyberAcademy Krzysztof Urbański from 7bulls.com had a presentation entitled: “Optimizing the cloud […]

MELODIC on DeveloperWeek Cloud Edition

MELODIC has been presented on the prestigious DeveloperWeek Cloud Edition in Seattle – https://www.developerweek.com/global/conference/cloud/ Marta Różańska and Paweł Skrzypek have presented how to use in practice the most advanced concepts of multicloud deployment using MELODIC platform.