OSFF London 2022 with MELODIC solution and H2020 MORPHEMIC project

Today Open Source Finance Forum kicks off. The conference organized in conjunction with London Tech Week is an event dedicated to driving collaboration and innovation in financial services through open source software and standards. OSFF brings together experts across financial services, technology, and open source to engage its community in stimulating and thought-provoking conversations about […]
MELODIC Technical Manager a part of WorldFestival Startup & Innovation Awards Judging Committee
WorldFestival – the global virtual conference that aims at supporting worldwide technology innovation. This event organized by DevNetwork, includes: Technology Innovation Conference, Executive Summit, Awards. WorldFestival Awards are at the center of the event. There 30,000+ participants across 130+ nations discover and vote on the top 10,000 emerging innovations of 2022. We are proud that […]
MELODIC & MORPHEMIC at DevOpsCon in Berlin
DevOpsCon is the Conference for Continuous Delivery, Microservices, Containers, Cloud & Lean Business. This year MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project will be presented twice in DevOpsCon in Berlin: Marta Różańska will have a session 22.06.2022 entitled “Autonomous Multi-Cloud Serverless Deployment and Optimized Management” from 16h15 to 17h00. Then 23.06.2022 Alicja Reniewicz, Marta Różańska and Maciej […]
Coordinator of the MORPHEMIC project at the First International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine
Geir Horn, coordinator of the MORPHEMIC project, will be at the Technical Program Committee on the First International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine in Grimstad, Norway, 20-21 June 2022. The emerging paradigm of Tsetlin machines makes a fundamental shift from arithmetic-based to logic-based machine learning. At the core, finite-state machines, based on learning automata, learn […]
MELODIC and MORPHEMIC at IsraelClouds Summit 2022
Alicja Reniewicz and Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls will have a presentation during the section DevOps, FinOps & Architecture entitled: “Proactive and Polymorphic Adaptation of Multi-Cloud Deployments”. The presentation will be held 20.06.2022 from 13h35 to 13h55. IsraelClouds Summit is bringing the best experts for cloud computing technology. It will be a very intensive 3-day conference […]
MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project at AEiC 202
Alessandra Bagnato from Softeam will present a paper accepted: “MORPHEMIC – Optimization of the deployment and life-cycle management of data-intensive applications in the Cloud computing continuum”. The co-author is Józefina Krasnodębska from 7bulls. The 26th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2022) will take place in Ghent, Belgium and will last 4 days: […]
This year OW2Con will be held 100% virtual, 8-9 June 2022. 9 June 2022 at 12h15 Alessandra Bagnato from Softeam and Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls will have a presentation entitled: “The H2020 MORPHEMIC Project Open Source Components”. The central theme of OW2con this year is: “Reliable and Predictable Open Source Software”. The challenge for skilled community […]
International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS)
RCIS event aims to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and practitioners from a wide range of information science fields and to provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and dissemination. RCIS 2022 will continue paying attention to traditional themes and topics at the conference (not limited to): Information Systems and their Engineering User-Oriented Approaches Data and Information Management […]
CCGRID 2022 Taormina, Italy
Marta Różańska from University of Oslo will represent the MORPHEMIC project and communicate about the MELODIC solution at the whole CCGRID Taormina event from 16 to 19 May 2022. This time it will be on-site ! We are double happy that it is a physical meeting finally and in beautiful Taormina. The best place to […]
MORPHEMIC at Open Research Webinars
This new series of webinars introduces software research projects that help shape the future of open source software and the IT industry. Co-organized by OW2 and the Eclipse Foundation, the webinars will focus on international partners leveraging open source in European publicly-funded collaborative research and innovation programs. Alessandra Bagnato from Softeam will present the MORPHEMIC […]