MELODIC & MORPHEMIC at Open Source Community Conference [OSCONF]

An Open Source Community Conference (OSCONF) is a platform built to connect & bring all leading Meetup Communities, Cloud-native experts and DevOps. It is a non-profit community event that allows to interact with community leaders, ambassadors and open community contributors. The event took place on April 10 from 9.00 am to 2:30 pm IST. Paweł […]

MORPHEMIC project at 1st H-CLOUD Technical Community Event

On 23 March 2021, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm CET, H-CLOUD organised its 1st Technical Community Event for the European Cloud Scene. MORPHEMIC had 2 sessions: 11:30 – 11:45 MORPHEMIC: Cloud modelling, presented by: Marta Różańska (UiO) Kyriakos Kritikos (FORTH) 11:45 – 12:00 MORPHEMIC: Cloud optimization Marta Różańska (UiO) Geir Horn (UiO) H-CLOUD organised a […]

Women in Data Science at Miami

Two outstanding women: Katarzyna Materka from 7bulls, WP Leader in MORPHEMIC project and Anna Kosiorek from AI Investments presented the MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project during the keynote session entitled: “Complex AI Forecasting Methods for Investments Portfolio Optimization”. Kasia and Ania presented the novelty of the MORPHEMIC project and MELODIC solution – AI Investments application […]


The MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project will be presented at the UK’s Enterprise Cloud-Native Event virtual conference [LDN Blueprint] during the special session: “Autonomous Multi-Cloud serverless deployment and optimized management”. Alicja Reniewicz & Paweł Skrzypek from will present the novel MELODIC solution ( and MORPHEMIC project ( and  how to use the proactiv optimization. As an […]

MELODIC & MORPHEMIC at Chaos Engineering

The MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project will be presented at Conf24 Chaos Engineering virtual conference during the special session: “Autonomous Multi-Cloud serverless deployment and optimized management”. Alicja Reniewicz & Paweł Skrzypek from will present the novel MELODIC solution ( and MORPHEMIC project ( and  how to use the proactiv optimization. As an example of that approach […]

MELODIC & MORPHEMIC at Azure Oslo Meetup

The MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project will be presented on Azure Oslo Meetup during the session entitled: “Autonomous Multi-Cloud serverless deployment and optimized management”. Alicja Reniewicz & Paweł Skrzypek from and Geir Horn from UiO will show the novelty of MELODIC solution ( and MORPHEMIC project ( as well as how to use the […]

Multi-Clouds and Edge Computing

An Open Access Journal by MDPI creates a special issue on “Multi-Clouds and Edge Computing”. The guest editors are Yiannis Verginadis from ICCS and Geir Horn from UiO. The guest editors claim: “The aim of this Special Issue is to gather the most recent innovations in cloud management platforms that support hybrid, multi-cloud and edge […]

MELODIC & MORPHEMIC at Sacramento Meetup

The MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project were presented on GDG Sacramento Meetup session. The subject was “Autonomous Multi-Cloud serverless deployment and optimized management”. Alicja Reniewicz and Paweł Skrzypek presented the novel and how to use the proactiv optimization. Main topics were: CAMEL– Cloud Application Modelling and Execution Language, Optimization and automation of Melodic, Core […]

MELODIC & MORPHEMIC at MeetUp in the Norwegian Computer Society

The Norwegian Computer Society (DND) has invited Geir Horn from University of Oslo [coordinator] and Alicja Reniewicz from 7bulls [partner] to give a presentation about MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project. The event took place on-line 27.01.2021 at 11:00 – 13:00. Presentation from the event you can find just below: MELODIC Cross-Cloud with the Genome demo

Webinar with MELODIC organised by Project Management Institution in Norway

Geir Horn, coordinator of MORPHEMIC project, presented MELODIC solution at the dedicated webinar, which covered topics such as: A brief introduction to the MELODIC platform The vision and objectives of the project The project organization and planning The management structure needed to ensure timely progress The tools used …and some lessons learned from the management […]