H-CLOUD Technical Community Event
Horizon CLOUD – The European Cloud Computing Hub, is organising HORIZON CLOUD Technical Community Event with MORPHEMIC and MELODIC projects, entitled: “Proactive and polymorphic adaptation of multi-cloud deployments”. The workshop is going to be organised by H-Cloud, a European Commission initiative, that’s main goal is to consolidate and grow the cloud computing research and innovation […]
MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project at DevOps@Enterprise Forum
This dwo-day event took place in Warsaw in person from Thursday to Friday, 7-8th of October. 7.10.2021 was a panel discussion with Paweł Skrzypek representing 7bulls and AI Investments use case. The debate was entitled: “DevOps retrospection. What you will lose and what you will gain by implementing DevOps”. Panelists: Paweł Skrzypek – 7bulls Marcin Dzienniak […]
MELODIC at EuropeClouds Summit 2021

EuropeClouds Summit 2021 is going to be organised 19-21.10.2021, on-line. During those 3 days it will be a great opportunity to get some Cloud Computing news. This event will not only present the most advanced technologies and solutions in the cloud computing world. It will also extend your knowledge and help to improve skills by presenting […]
5G Made together

IS-Wireless, MORPHEMIC partner [MELODIC daughter project], organised an on-line conference entitled: “Open RAN for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks. Challenges and visions” – 14.10.2021, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM CEST. Partners from MORPHEMIC actively participated in the event: Adam Flizikowski: IS-Wireless, as a moderator Geir Horn: University of Oslo, as a moderator Paweł Skrzypek – speaker, […]
MELODIC at EuropeClouds Summit 2021
EuropeClouds Summit 2021 is going to be organised 19-21.10.2021, on-line. During those 3 days it will be a great opportunity to get some Cloud Computing news. This event will not only present the most advanced technologies and solutions in the cloud computing world. It will also extend your knowledge and help to improve skills by presenting […]
MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project at DevOps@Enterprise Forum

This dwo-day event took place in Warsaw in person from Thursday to Friday, 7-8th of October. 7.10.2021 was a panel discussion with Paweł Skrzypek representing 7bulls and AI Investments use case. The debate was entitled: “DevOps retrospection. What you will lose and what you will gain by implementing DevOps”. Panelists: Paweł Skrzypek – 7bulls Marcin Dzienniak […]
MELODIC solution and MORPHEMIC project at DevOps Days Poznań 2021
It is a 2nd edition of the DevOpsDays Poznań. This event is for community by community – devs, ops and other tech people eager to tell their stories and share experiences. That is why MELODIC & MORPHEMIC are here this year! Alicja Reniewicz and Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls will have a presentation entitled:”Autonomous Multi-Cloud serverless […]
MELODIC solution with its extension into the MORPHEMIC project at Open Source Automation Days 2021
Open Source Automation Days (OSAD) is an annual manufacturer-independent open source conference. The central theme of OSAD 2021 is “Automation in Data Centers Based on Open Source”. As in previous years, OSAD 2021 will consist of a two-day conference (05.10.2021-06.10.2021) and a workshop day (04.10.2021). First day of the event – 04.10.2021- Marta Różańska from […]
The 3-days Big Data Conference Europe 2021 edition is an on-line event with 5 workshops and 35 speeches. On the 2nd day of the conference [29.09.2021] Anna Warno from AI Investments and Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls will have a session entitled: ”Complex AI Forecasting Methods for Investments Portfolio Optimization” from 11:05 to 11:50. Then 30 September […]
MELODIC solution with its extension into the MORPHEMIC project at Scale by the Bay 2021
Anna Warno from AI Investments and Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls.com will have a speech on 28.10.2021 entitled: “Advanced,machine learning time series forecasting method”. Time slot: 06:00 – 06:30 Pacific Standard Time (PST) + 15 min Q&A. If you want to know about the innovative multi-cloud MELODIC solution and how it works in the AI Investments […]