Analyse and Design

Design of cloud architecture with intermediate stages 

The result of the service will be the preparation of the to-be cloud architecture for a given customer, optionally with intermediate stages between as-is situation and desired to-be stage. 

The result will also contain recommendations which cloud service provider or solution will be optimal for this particular case. It is likely to be Melodic, as a ‘broker’ across multiple cloud service providers, but also other providers like AWS, Azure, Oracle Cloud, SAP Hana, Heroku, Rackspace etc. could provide optimal solutions. 

The high-level list of IT systems changes needed to migrate to cloud will be prepared. 

Another result of this service will be the preparation of a high-level project plan with a detailed schedule and the most important tasks to be completed in order to accomplish cloud adoption. 

We also focus on intermediate stages to properly plan and deploy an architecture for hybrid cloud in the transition phase, when some systems are still deployed using traditional infrastructure and some of them are deployed to the cloud. 

Below, a typical list of actions for this service, is provided: 

  • High-level definition of “to-be” architecture; 
  • High-level definition of proposed intermediate stages architecture with hybrid architecture during transition period; 
  • Detailed design of architecture for first stage of transition, with changes in current IT systems needed to implement the first phase; 
  • High-level project plan, including schedule and work breakdown structure for the whole project; 
  • Detailed plan, including schedule and work breakdown structure for the first stage of the project; 
  • Detailed deployment plan, with physical architecture of the first phase.